Your project starts with its materials. And, the better the materials, the better the project. Global sourcing allows Ferralloy to create components that are durable and can withstand wear and tear. Nickel is a great option for many projects. Read to find out a little more about this powerful metal:

  1. Nickel was discovered by a Swedish chemist by the name of Alex Fredrik Cronstedt. It was found in the mineral niccolite – hence the name.
  2. The name comes from the German word Nickel, which translates to “Old Nick” or the “Devil’s copper.”
  3. Peruvian natives believed nickel to be a form of silver. This is because the metal did not rust. But, the Chinese also used a zinc-nickel alloy called “pai-t’ung” back in 200 B.C.
  4. Metalworkers alloy nickel with other metals to create strong components that are resistant to corrosion. So, you can find these combinations in vaults and machine parts.
  5. The world’s largest supply of nickel is in Ontario, Canada. And, scientists believe it originated from a large meteor that hit Earth in ancient times.
  6. Nickel is a transition metal. Using a periodic table, you can see that nickel closely relates to metal including iron, cobalt, copper, and zinc.

Want to Learn More About Our Global Sourcing?

We always make our products to the highest of standards. And, our global sourcing allows us to provide you with quality materials that result in strong and durable products. So, if you’re looking to supply your next project with nickel-based products, contact us with any inquiries!

why is global sourcing good for nickel materials